Friday, 27 September 2013

Group 5's Science Project

The children in Group 5 looked at Earth and Environmental Science - the study of the Earth and its materials and how we care for the natural world. We explored the key question: “How can we care for our world?”

In this project, we developed the following concepts:
  • The weather can change every day
  • The sun is powerful
  • The sun can affect living and non-living things
  • Sunscreen gives protection from the effects of the sun
These concepts were discovered through participation in the following activities:
  • Observing, measuring and recording the weather and temperature in a collective weather diary
  • Discovering the effects of the sun with an experiment using black paper and sunscreen
  • Using different mediums (including recordings, photographing and creating artwork) which documents these experiences and discoverie

Group 3's Science Project

The Group 3 Project focused on Physical Science - the study of materials and energy in the non-living world.  We explores the key question: “How does it move and change? 

In this project, the children in Group 3 explored the following concepts:

  • The nature of materials
  • Physical and chemical changes
  • Force and movement of objects


These concepts were discovered through participation in the following activities:
  • Observing the effects of cola on eggs, understanding how that applies to us
  • Mixing different substances and observing the results – coloured ice cubes, bicarb of soda and vinegar, shaving cream and cornflour
  • Playing with materials which encourage the exploration and discovery of magnets, measuring weight, and testing speed
  • Use different mediums (including recordings, photographing and creating artwork) which document these experiences and discoveries

Group 4's Science Project

In this project, the children in Group 4 focused on Biological Science - the study of living things. We asked the key question: “What is alive?” As part of this project the children explored the following concepts:
  • Living things have basic needs
  • Plants grow from seeds
  • Plants need sun and water
  • Living things have life-cycles
These concepts were discovered through participation in the following activities:
  • Use of stories, reference materials and live observation to discover the lifecycle of different animals and insects
  • Examining the growth of seeds under different conditions
  • An outdoor work station set up with activities which encourage the exploration and discovery of plants, flowers and seeds
  • Observing the effects of bacteria on a slice of apple
  • Use different mediums (including recordings, photographing and creating artwork) which document these experiences and discoverie


Monday, 23 September 2013

Preschool Science Fair


This Friday is the Feira Integrada at Upuêre and in English class the children have been conducting experiments which will be on display at our very own Science Fair!

This project-based approach integrated science and language learning.  There were opportunities to explore a broad range of skills, not just English. The project introduced, practised and integrated language skills in a natural way.  During our science learning, the children engaged in science processes. These science processes were problem-solving, inquiring, experimenting, hypothesising, researching and investigating.  The project has been a big success and I hope you all get the chance to visit our display on Friday.


Thursday, 19 September 2013

UPUÊRE in Full Colour

We explored colour in all kinds of ways this week.  By now, everyone should be able to name red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white and brown.  Some may even be able to tell you what happens when we mix different primary colours - red and blue makes purple, etc.

We sang the song I Can Sing A Rainbow and read the story Mouse Paint.  Here are some of the other activities we did this week...

On Monday, we played a fast-paced game called High-Five.  When I called out a colour, the children had to run and touch the hand of the same colour.

On Tuesday, we did the Travelling Colours Experiment.  The children love Science Day and become very focused during the activities.  You might like to try this one at home.  You just need three jars, water and food colouring.  Fill two jars with water and colour them in two primary colours.  Ask your child to name the colours in English and then try to guess what will happen when they mix.  Place a piece of rolled-up toilet paper or kitchen towel between the coloured water and the empty jars (see photos below).  Watch as the water is soaked up the paper and travels to the empty jar.  When the water starts to mix a new colour will form.  If you leave it overnight, you will see that the water levels in the three jars have evened out.  Amazing!

On Wednesday, there were lots of centers to explore in the Art Room.
We used eye-droppers, spray bottles, coloured water, paint, bicarb of soda and vinegar in different ways to discover how primary colours can be mixed to make secondary ones.


 On Thursday, we did digital painting with an app called Paint Sparkles.  If you put it in English, a voice will name the colour you choose.  We also used our paintings from yesterday to make colourful mice for our classroom wall.  Come by and see the finished result.  It looks wonderful.
The mice were inspired by the book we read this week - Mouse Paint.

Friday will be a day in the playground, as usual.  I will do a separate post with photos from the fun activities I have planned for the kids to do so check back in tomorrow!

Mouse Paint

 This is the story we used this week to hear and practise colours in English. To make it a bit more challenging for those who already know this vocabulary, the story introduces the idea of primary and secondary colours.  I used the Kindle version of the book, which you can download from Amazon books. I also told the story using foam puppets.


Come and visit the Art Room to see the beautiful wall display we made around the theme of this book.

Singing a Rainbow

Videos of Kellen and Fabíola's class singing the song of the week - I Can Sing A Rainbow.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

I Can Sing A Rainbow

This is the song we are singing this week.  The children have picked it up really quickly and sing it so beautifully.  I'll get a video up here soon!

Traveling colours

Another experiment today in English class!  This week we're looking at primary and secondary colours.  We tried to guess what would happen when we mixed two primary colors together.  The most interesting thing about this experiment was that we used paper to transfer the water from one pot to the other.  It was amazing to see how the liquids travelled along the paper and then mixed to make a new color.
As part of this theme we are reading the book Mouse Paint and learning a new song called The Rainbow Song.

Looking After Our Pets

More kids have sent in their beautiful photos and here they are!  Great to see so many of you looking after your pets.  Good Job!!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

New display in the Art Room. Come take a look!

As part of our Flowers, Seeds and Leaves theme, the children used different materials to make flowers which we joined together to made a display for our Art Room.

When they finished, there were plenty of other activities to do in our theme related centers.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

How Many Bugs In The Box?

This was our story during our Seeds, Flowers and Leaves theme.  It seemed like a good fit considering we had also been looking at some of the insects that live in our playground and playing with toy-bug sensory trays.

We practised "How many....?" and numbers 1 - 10.