Friday, 24 May 2013

Make-A-Monster Contest

This is a fast paced game that Isadora's class played to practice vocabulary for parts of the face and body.  In teams, they used an app on the Ipad to create a monster.  The team could win a point every time they named the body part in English.  The game was fast-paced, noisy and lots of fun.
Who was the winner?  Everyone!

Monster Bowls

It's Friday again and another chance to leave the classroom and use English outdoors. This week we went bowling.  If you look closely you'll see drawings of the monsters that we drew stuck to the bowling pins.  We had to try and knock down as many monsters as we could.  It was a lot of fun!

Make A Monster

We spent the week reading stories and playing games about monsters so I thought it would be fun to create our own monsters.  We did this in many ways this week.  We drew, we moulded with playdough, we used our imagination AND we also used technology.  On our ipads we have an app called Make a Monster.  The children could choose different body parts to assemble their own unique monster and then share it with the group.  This allowed us to practice language for describing physical appearance using numbers, size, colours and body parts.  "He's got six, big eyes".  "What colour are they?" - "Yellow"


Friday, 17 May 2013

Making faces

We explored feelings this week - sad, happy, scared and angry.  This gave us an opportunity to revise vocabulary for the parts of our face - eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and eyebrows.  We looked at how our faces change as we make different expressions and then used playdough to recreate these emotions on our playdough mats.

I'm Happy All Day Long

Here are Fabíola's class singing our song of the week - I'm Happy All Day Long.  We sand this song to learn vocabulary and structures for talking about our feelings.  This week we have learned sad, scared, sleepy, angry and happy.

Here are the lyrics for those of you who would like to sing along at home!

I'm happy, I'm happy
I'm happy all day long.
I'm happy, I'm happy
I'm happy all day long.

Ha ha ha
Hee hee hee
I'm happy all day long.

(Repeat with other emotions)

Friday, 10 May 2013

Muddled up animals

After reading the book Muddled Up Farm, we decided to draw some of our own muddled up animals.  Each child picked two animal cards from the deck and had to combine them to create new, original animals.  There were cow-birds and cat-horses and all kinds of crazy new creatures.

On the farm, in the sea or in the wild?

We have been looking at animals this week in English class.  The children learned the names of the animals and the habitats where they lived.  Using a felt-board, we divided the animals according to where they lived and took turns placing them in the right environment - the wild, the sea or the farm.

We had lots of fun listening to a story about some funny animals in the book Mudled Up Farm ...
... and singing the song Old MacDonald Had a Farm.

Claire reads Muddled Up Farm

The theme this week was animals and as well as singing the traditional song Old MacDonald Had A Farm, we also read a book about a not so traditional farm.  This story, Muddled Up Farm, was a big hit.  The illustrations and sound effects allowed the humour to reach the kids in Cleo's class.  Watch the video and you'll see what I mean.

Muddled Up Farm

Everything that is mixed up on Muddled-up Farm! From the cat to the cow, to the pig and the goat, this book is full of surprises that had the kids at UPUERE laughing out loud.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day

We were talking about our feelings this week so I thought I'd make this photo montage of the children at Upuere to celebrate Mother's day.  Congratulations to all the mothers at Upuere.  I hope this makes you smile!

Singing with emotion!

You probably remember the cute video of Cleo's class singing the Hello Song.  Well, here's the Goodbye song - sung with plenty of emotion!