Thursday 21 February 2013

Introducing UPUERE

Hi friends...or as we say here Oi amigos!

We are a childcare center in Brazil. Do you know where Brazil is on a map? It's a long way from Australia!

The name of our center is Upuerê (uuu-poo-eh-re). This word means movement and action in the indigenous language of Brazil.

We learn English at school and this week we read a story with Australian animals in it. It’s called Wombat Stew. We went outside and made our own Wombat Stew in the playground. When it got too hot we went inside, did an art activity and learned some new words in English.

Here are some of the words we learned this week…

  • Hello = Ola
  • Good Afternoon = Boa tarde
  • Bye bye = tchau tchau
We loved your email and the pictures. We have some questions to ask you about your school and the things you do.

1. Why do you all wear hats in the playground?

2. Do you have a swimming pool at your school?

3. What is the name of the tree that James’ seed pod came from?

We took some pictures to send to you, too

 From your Friends at UPUERÊ

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